Friday, February 1, 2013

New businesses can come with stress....

I am still trying to catch up from Holiday Sessions. I not only over booked myself in November and December but as much of you know, I was hospitalized the day after Christmas which put me even further behind.  {Lesson learned}. I just now got caught up from all my December shoots. Now to conquer January and it is already February. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I love it more than any other job I could ever have. I get to photograph smiles, some cries, laughter, love, real life moments, goofy awkward poses that just make everyone laugh and then I get to create these beautiful memories for you to take home and cherish forever, but a long with all the fun comes really hard work. I started my business only about 8 months ago, it has taken off in a way I couldn't have ever imagined. It is truly a blessing. Sometimes I look at my emails and I am overwhelmed with the amount of people who want to book a session. I am not going to lie, I get a little stressed with it all sometimes, but I handle it quite well I must say. I schedule myself in a much organized manner now and only allow myself a certain amount of sessions a month so I don't over-do-it. My Mother-in-law once told me "Don't stress about the stuff that won't effect you in 10 years," and that is the best piece of advice I could have ever received at this time in my life. It is so true, whatever it is you have to get done...whether it is a dead-line for your boss, a doctors appointment you're not looking forward to, an exam for all you college kids, or just something going on for that {week} do not stress about it. You will get it done, everything will be fine, just {breath}. I have to constantly remind myself of that. It keeps me sane and keeps me pushing through the day. A little bit of me that I wanted to share. Have a great Friday everyone. xoxo 

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